Meta Data Management


Organisations increasingly want to work in a data-driven way, but are not always sure how this collection of data can be used to optimise business processes. We support and advise Asset Owners on this question regarding Meta Data Management. From unstructured data to structured data with the aim of managing and optimising the findability of technical data.

In technische documentatie is ontzettend veel meta data te vinden, bijvoorbeeld in de vorm van tagnummers, titels, revisies, onderhoeken, definities, tags en andere belangrijke data. Vector Eyes geeft middels meta data management documenten en tekeningen de context die nodig is om data goed te kunnen doorzoeken, beheren en volgens te kunnen integreren binnen bijvoorbeeld een Document Management, onderhoud systeem of mappenstructuur.


Existing and useful data is collected from all drawings and documents. This data is classified and categorised and linked to the relevant documentation. To improve document searchability and findability, these documents and associated meta data are further linked to existing Assets. In the process, a tag-doc relationship is realised.

Meta data management takes care of optimising search and findability and establishes connections between documents and data.

Meta Data Management draagt zorg voor:

  • Structuur in bestaande data
  • Data koppelen aan bestaande documentatie
  • Optimaliseren van zoek- en vindbaarheid
  • TAG – DOC relaties leggen
